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Showing posts from August, 2022


     Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am a sophomore at FSU majoring in Special Education. I'm currently enrolled in Introduction to Educational Technology (EME2040). In this class I'll be learning about the importance and logistics of incorporating technology into the classroom. I'm excited to share my experiences and what I have learned on this blog.      Most of my past experiences using technology in the classroom have been as a student. SMART Boards were introduced to my classrooms in the fifth grade, and my teachers quickly grasped the concept and ran with it. They found the ability to teach using the internet from in front of the classroom rather than behind a desk or a projector to be very beneficial, and I think it improved my learning experience. Since then, especially in high school and college, many of my projects surround presenting a concept to the class, often through PowerPoint or Google Slides.      My current personal learning network includes numerous clubs a